Until not too many years ago, talking about arm and shoulder training for women seemed a taboo topic. Women used to exercise their glutes and legs with great intensity, also their waists and a little bit of chest, limiting themselves, that is, to a few sets of flyes performed at very low intensity.
But now, the general democratization in training has arrived. Free weights have become compulsory, because they are essential to improve physical condition and add strength and functionality. Competitions in Fitness-related sports currently group more women than men. Therefore, shoulders and arm workouts now occupy a leading role in female athletes’ training routines. Women are no longer necessarily supposed to be thin and lean. Aesthetics require that they appear spacious and developed, as should their biceps and triceps.
Today it’s time to train our Shoulders and Arms. We provide you with a workout that’ll put them in perfect correspondence with the ideals of healthy and fit lifestyle, so, why not try it out? Feel ready to upload them to competition level, just like an athlete of one of the many Fitness and Bodybuilding disciplines.
- Programme level: Intermediate and Advanced
- Programme duration: 10 weeks
- Training frequency: 1 weekly
- Duration of training: Around 45 minutes, plus 5 or 6 min of stretching at the end of the session: 1 for biceps, 1 for triceps and 3 for shoulder.
Standing, holding a dumbbell in each hand with a supine grip (with your palms facing forward). Raise the weight until it passes the parallel line. You can do it with both dumbbells at the same time or one and one (one goes up while the other goes down). Return to the starting position in a controlled way.
The difference with the other exercise consists only in the grip: the palms are held facing your body in this case, but the movement is the same. The difference is that in this movement we work more on the brachialis and brachioradialis, which are muscles in the inner part of the arm and the upper outer part of the forearm.